
Current DiaryDiary &
St George's Day H3St George's
Day H3
Foot StickersOn-On Foot

I have had a volunteer to take over this website! I have some 'admin' work to do in the background before things can move on, and this is dependent upon the availability of a suitable 'expert' to assist me - he's a very bust person!! In the meantime, I've left this banner up so anyone interested can see what's involved in the role of SWH3 web-master and On-sec and and acknowledge the voluneer's commitment once this is completed. More information is available here.

As previously mentioned, our Diary is now fully updateable directly by hare masters using Google Calendars, so if your hash dates aren't there, or not updated, then perhaps your hare master could use a little assistance! The process can be found here, along with details on how your calendar can be added to your own webpage (making it easier for your website to be updated) as well as automatically updating here too. There's also a few words on printing if necessary!

I've been asked to draw your attention to the Dartmoor National Park's policy regarding 'events' on the moors. Whilst accepting that hashing is not the same as say, Ten Tors, they do require notice and advice if there are to be more than 50 participants. More details are available here. Also, there are 'out of bounds' areas due to ground nesting birds for some of the year. Further guidance is available here. Please circulate this information if your pack uses Dartmoor.

The National Trust are reinforcing the need to request access to their land, and have asked us again to give them as much notice of an intended hash as we can. This is nothing new. The Diary has always carried their contact number, however insurance and risk assesments have also been requested. Talks are in progress and more information has been requested to provide comprehensive guide on our website. I encourage all hare masters to make themselves aware of the detail, and revisit to review updates.

If you're a visitor to our region, there's always loads going on down here so just check out the Diary & Notices to see for yourself!

If there's anything you'd like to see here - ideas for additional content, new links or even corrections - please let me know and I'll do my best to oblige.

On-on, Buzby


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